Manage Your Fibromyalgia Pain Symptoms With Aquatic Therapy

Manage Your Fibromyalgia Pain Symptoms With Aquatic Therapy

It\’s very normal to experience some discomfort from time to time. It\’s possible that you\’re painful as a result of over-exercising or stubbed your toe on a piece of furniture. You may generally shake it off or take some ibuprofen to get back to your normal routine.

However, some people may experience long-term discomfort that persists despite their best efforts. This has the potential to have a severe impact on one\’s life that anti-inflammatory medications will not be able to mitigate.

If you are suffering from chronic pain that is accompanied by fatigue, changes in mood, or irregular sleep patterns, you may be dealing with a serious physiological condition known as fibromyalgia. Aquatic therapy at Total Performance Physical Therapy in Hatfield may be beneficial for you!

Request an appointment at our clinic today to find out if aquatic therapy could help you to decrease your fibromyalgia symptoms and find long-lasting pain relief.

What is fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is somewhat of an umbrella term used to describe someone who is experiencing a certain combination of symptoms.

The most common symptoms of fibromyalgia include:

  • Disrupted sleep cycles/irregular sleep schedules
  • Sensitivity to touch/numbness
  • Chronic and/or sharp muscle pains
  • Tender areas of the body
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Fluctuations in mood
  • Forgetfulness or disorientation

Fibromyalgia tends to affect more women than men, and your likelihood of developing it increases if you have a family member with the same condition.

Some people who develop fibromyalgia begin with chronic bouts of stress or depression, while other symptoms build over time.

It can get in the way of being able to live your life without pain, and it can also result in adverse mental health effects such as increased levels of depression and anxiety.

The exact cause of this condition is unclear at this time, but the good news is that physical and aquatic therapy can help mitigate the painful symptoms that accompany it!

Aquatic therapy for fibromyalgia

There is no single, effective treatment for fibromyalgia because it is a collection of symptoms rather than a disease. Primary care physicians may typically prescribe a pain reliever or antidepressant to reduce symptoms; however, these medications do not address the chronic nature of the disorder or the loss of function that chronic pain and anguish can cause.

Aquatic therapy is a good option for those searching for long-lasting relief from chronic pain. Total Performance Physical Therapy in Hatfield is proud to offer an aquatic therapy program suited for patients dealing with fibromyalgia. The soothing effects of water help to alleviate muscle pain and take the stress off the joints and spine without increasing pain symptoms.

Treatments will typically begin with pain-relieving modalities to provide relief and promote healing.

This may include the use of trigger point therapy, massage, stretching, electrical stimulation, or other therapeutic tools that our physical therapist believes could be beneficial to your recovery.

After this, your treatments will shift toward active therapies, such as muscle strengthening, range-of-motion activities, and cardiovascular exercises, which will take place in water.

Your aquatic therapist at Total Performance Physical Therapy can constantly tweak your program to meet your objectives, so don’t hesitate to tell your therapist how you’re feeling about your ability to perform exercises and stretches!

Ready to find relief for fibromyalgia?

Therapy at Total Performance Physical Therapy in Hatfield can help to relieve widespread pain, increase energy levels, improve sleep, and elevate your overall mood.

Regardless of where you are on your journey towards finding relief from fibromyalgia, you should give us a call today. Our therapists are here to help you get more out of life without being constantly restricted by nagging pain symptoms!


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